Hi there

…we are so glad you are here. We empower secondary level educators to create dynamic, engaging learning spaces that foster critical thinking. 

It's hard to keep going...

When you have a heart for all kids, and you just want for them to find their voice...

  • Watching dominant personalities and social identities take over class discussions, negatively impacting the psychological safety for those who are marginalized.
  • Recognizing the single-source standard curriculum your district provides only reinforces the very power dynamics and systems of social stratification you know need to be dismantled. 
  • Seeing that quiet kid in the back you know has the loudest mind(and the ideas that would change the whole conversation) never fully contributing, because you and they both know this is a system that wasn’t built for them. 
  • Trying to use materials from content experts that has the potential to interest and inspire students, but having to spend hours adapting their content into a format that is developmentally appropriate and culturally relevant for the students you teach. 

Don't give up!

Believe me, I was there. For years. 

And it was then I got the best advice in all of my teaching career: 

Never forget that we are here to teach human beings first, and curriculum second. And the day that your priorities are the other way around is the day you start to burn out.


Which is exactly what was happening. 

Ultimately, we want our students to gain the skills they need to become informed and active citizens in a functioning democracy. And to be able to do that, they have to be able to not only think for themselves, but express those thoughts and (here is the tricky part) listen to and entertain new ideas, allowing their viewpoints to evolve with added information. 

about me

I am an anthropologist by training. A gender scholar. Veteran educator. Researcher. First-generation Argentinian immigrant. Child of dictadura survivors. Speaker of English as her second language. Lover of art in all its forms. Proud SOASian. Forever curious about the world and how it got to be the way it is. Committed to transnational solidarity, and believer in the power of our youth. 

I want to offer my educational background, teaching experience, and personal research to create resources that promote critical thinking and deliberation while fostering inclusion. To this end, I want to empower you to transform your classroom into an authentically engaging learning space that honors the autonomy and lived experiences of your adolescent students.

from the blog


Empowering the Next Generation: How Teaching Feminist Theory in High Schools Can Shape Future Leaders

The potential of integrating feminist history and feminist theory into the curriculum of public high schools is vast and transformative, with the ability to mold students into compassionate advocates for equality. By understanding the principles of feminist theory and its relevance in education, we can foster empathy and inclusivity, break down gender stereotypes and challenge social norms, and ultimately prepare students to become empowered leaders who strive for a more equal and just society.

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Civic Education and Conscientization: Fostering Engaged Citizens

Civic education lends itself perfectly to the fusion of theory and practice in the context of informed and engaged citizenship. When approaching the community service requirements for my school, I drew inspiration from Paulo Freire’s concept of ‘conscientization’ to shape the way my students and I approached their civic education.

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